CWA/AT&T Orange Contract Bargaining Report #8

CWA & AT&T Mobility Orange-Bargaining Report #8 February 15, 2022 The Union Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the Company every day. Today, the company… Continue reading
CWA & AT&T Mobility Orange-Bargaining Report #8 February 15, 2022 The Union Bargaining Committee continues to meet with the Company every day. Today, the company… Continue reading
CWA / AT&T Orange Bargaining Report #4 February 1, 2022 The Union Bargaining committee met with the Company again today. The Company responded to some… Continue reading
Apply now for college scholarships of $4,000 each for the 2022-2023 year and another $4,000 for 2023-2024. Eligible for the scholarships are CWA members, their… Continue reading
Dear Brothers and Sisters, On Monday November 9th, 2020 we lost a Union Brother. Austin Grady was beginning a routine appointment for physical therapy related… Continue reading
A Message from CWA Local 4900 President, Tim Strong Brothers and Sisters, 2020 has been a challenging year to say it lightly. We have been… Continue reading
TO: CWA Local Presidents – AT&T Midwest Bargaining Unit Dear Colleagues: I have received confirmation from the company that, per our agreement, AT&T Midwest will… Continue reading
Monday, August 5, 2019 Communications Workers of America members in the Midwest and at AT&T’s national Legacy T unit have ratified four-year agreements covering 14,000… Continue reading
July 1, 2019 The Bargaining team is currently working on a detailed summary for the contract explanation meeting for Local Presidents, which will be held… Continue reading
July 1, 2019 Fighting Today…Focused on the Future! The Bargaining team is currently working on a detailed summary for the contract explanation meeting for Local… Continue reading