Types of grievances

Individual grievance
One person grieves that a management action has violated their rights under the collective agreement. Examples include discipline, demotion, harassment, improper classification or denial of earned overtime. Investigate and help the member with the grievance. If the person refuses to grieve, many contracts let the union grieve on behalf of the local. This defends the contract and protects the rights of other employees (see policy grievance). Remember that monetary compensation is not usually awarded in a policy grievance.

Group grievance
A group grievance complains that management action has hurt a group of individuals in the same way. For example, an employer refuses to pay a contractual shift premium. A group grievance shows solidarity and builds power in a work group. If it involves money, make sure to include all members affected and that they are listed on the grievance. You may even wish to include language in the remedy section of the grievance to “make all members affected, whole in every way”.

Policy or Union grievance
With a policy or union grievance, the union complains that a management action violates the agreement. It usually deals with contract interpretation, not an individual complaint.


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