Call Now to Save Call Center Jobs in Indiana

Thousands of customer service jobs in the United States have disappeared as corporations send more work overseas to boost profits at the expense of working people. In Indiana, we have a chance to help make sure good jobs stay in our communities, but we have to take action now.

This is urgent. Senate Bill 170 will work to stop companies from sending jobs overseas by disqualifying employers from state grants, loans, and tax credits if they send a call center to a foreign country, but for this bill to move forward it must get a hearing by next week.

Call State Senator Mark Messmer, Chair of the Committee on Commerce and Technology, to urge him to bring Senate Bill 170 to a hearing. Call 1-888-907-9365 

Here’s what you can say when you are connected:

Hello, my name is _________. I’m calling to urge Senator Messmer to schedule a hearing on Senate Bill 170 to save call center jobs in Indiana and keep American workers employed.

Companies like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon make billions each year and boost their already huge profit margins by sending jobs to places like Mexico or the Philippines where wages are low and workers don’t have the union protections we have here in the United States. That’s unacceptable.

We need to let our elected leaders know that keeping American workers employed and our communities strong should be their top priority.

Please call State Senator Messmer today at 1-888- 907-9365.

In unity,
Linda Hinton
CWA District 4 Vice President


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