Author Archives: CWA 4900
Indianapolis Informational Picket
On May 7, 2017 CWA 4900 went to the streets of downtown Indianapolis holding a rally to support Mobility Orange Bargaining. It’s been almost 3… Continue reading
CWA/AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #41
May 3, 2017 The Union and Company have continued meeting since the contract expired on Monday morning. There has been some positive movement, however, all… Continue reading
Please share with your family and friends as we continue our fight for a fair contract! TELL AT&T CEO RANDALL STEPHENSON: “I SUPPORT GOOD… Continue reading
CWA AT&T Mobility Bargaining FAQ
What exactly are we fighting for in this contract? As the profits of AT&T climb, our wages and working conditions continue to suffer. Our call… Continue reading
Working Without a Contract..What Does it Mean?
Our Contract Has Expired How will it work? You will continue to work. You will still earn a paycheck. The company cannot change your wages… Continue reading
CWA/AT&T Mobility Bargaining Report #40
April 30, 2017 Since giving the 72 hour notice to terminate the contract, the Union has had extensive meetings with the Company. We remain extremely… Continue reading
Corky Delivers Roses
On April 28, 2017 CWA gives AT&T 72 hour notice of intent to allow the orange contract to expire. Just before the shareholders meeting, CWA… Continue reading
CWA/ATT Mobility Bargaining Report #39
CWA/AT&T 2017 “Orange” Contract Bargaining April 28, 2017 – Bargaining Report #39 As you are aware, the Union gave the company 72 hour notice today… Continue reading
CWA Just Gave AT&T Our 72 Hour Notice
April 28, 2017 This morning, CWA gave notice to AT&T Mobility management that we are exercising our right to terminate the Orange Contract in 72… Continue reading